Saturday, December 15, 2007

A day Off!!

As a mom we don't get sick days, or holidays, or just a good old day OFF! I'm so excited because today is my day OFF! My baby is 3 weeks old today so that means I haven't had a good nights sleep in a long time, especially if you count pregnancy. So I made these crazy plans over 3 months ago. Let me tell you the story....
I own a smoothie shop called Planet Smoothie I have had the store for over 5 years. One of my girls that has worked for me since she was 15 is turning 21 today and I agreed to take her out. I knew I would have a newborn and I wasn't sure how this would work, but I was willing to try. Let me tell you, I am so excited!! We are going to AC for the night....a whole night with no children and just a bunch of fun. I almost feel like I'm dreaming or hallucinating from lack of sleep. We will see how I feel tomorrow,but I'm excited!

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