Tuesday, December 23, 2008

OMG, there is a mouse MY the house!!!!

No, I didn’t capture a picture of the mouse. I just wanted to show how creepy these gross, little, monsters are. I always loved the charm and caricature of an old farm house. The wide plank floors, archways, old hardware, and creaky hand made doors add so much charm. With that charm you get poor insulation, cracks in walls, and plenty of little crevices for sneaky little mice to get in. The other day I found little mice droppings, which look like black rye bread seeds in a drawer in our kitchen and I screamed. The idea of a mouse in my kitchen makes me want to throw up just thinking about it. Of course I make my husband set a trap, I tell him to set five but he thinks I over react. So he caught the mouse last night, Yeah, but you will never believe it. I heard another one, so I pull out the poison pellets and put them in the drawer. With that I walk away and in a matter of seconds that mouse was ripping into the poison, I hear him munching and I freaked and told my husband. He freaks that I put mouse poison in our kitchen so he stupidly goes to the drawer to take it out. AYHYYAHOAUODAO!!!!!!! The mouse JUMMPPPED OUTT, “AYYYYYYY” I scream and run as fast as I can into the other room and instead I slip and fall face flat on the floor and now I’m screaming more because I’m on the floor with the mouse!!!! OMG (Oh my God) I can’t take it, I will not sleep tonight, the mouse ran under the oven and until I see another mouse in the trap I will not sleep….PRAY FOR ME!

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